TUBITAK 4006 Science Fairs in The Eyes of Students: A Phenomenological Study



Science fair, middle school students, phenomenology, student opinions


This study aimed to determine middle school students’ views of TUBITAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey) 4006 Science Fairs. The study adopted phenomenology, which is a qualitative research design. The sample consisted of 31 (20 female and 11 male) students recruited using purposive criterion sampling. Participants attended a TUBITAK 4006 science fair. Data were collected using an interview questionnaire developed by the researcher. The data were analyzed using content analysis. Participants regarded the science fair as a fun and instructive fair that helped them learn new things. They also believed that the science fair helped teachers deliver science, science applications, and information technologies and software classes. Participants experienced different problems during the science fair and found different solutions. They saw scientists in a more positive light after the science fair. The results indicate that educators should encourage students to attend science fairs to help improve their perceptions of scientists. The study made suggestions based on the results.


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How to Cite

Kılıç, Z. (2022). TUBITAK 4006 Science Fairs in The Eyes of Students: A Phenomenological Study. Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes, 2(1), 24–32. Retrieved from http://www.jstei.com/index.php/jsti/article/view/20